- [行业新闻]Connor-Winfield Corporation2023年08月10日 13:36
The Connor-Winfield Corporation is a privately held, US based electronic product manufacturer. After incorporation in 1963, Connor-Winfield focused primarily on designing and manufacturing quartz based timing circuits and oscillators for use in a wide variety of electronics applications. In the 1990's, Connor-Winfield expanded into other product areas while maintaining a continued focus on its core timing roots.
Connor-Winfield's frequency control products are used in a wide variety of applications including telecommunications, LAN and WAN products, computer, and other microprocessor and electronic equipment. We specialize in designing custom and semi-custom frequency control products but also offer a broad line of standard oscillator products and non-crystal based oscillators.
- 阅读(61)
- [行业新闻]Seiko Instruments Inc.2023年08月09日 14:53
Since its founding in 1881, Seiko has introduced one revolutionary product after another, including the first wrist watch in Japan in 1913 and the first quartz watch in the world in 1969. The consolidated companies now operate in a broad range of fields, from watches to electronic devices, semiconductors, eyewear, clocks and other products. Each one of these individual businesses strives for further leaps forward through its business alliances.
- 阅读(94)
- [技术支持]EPSON石英晶体X1A000061003200技术详情及在电子设备中的6G晶振应用2023年06月21日 09:01
- 石英晶体在电子设备中的应用:
从电脑和智能手机到收音机和GPS设备,石英晶体现在是我们日常生活中依赖的许多最常用电器的核心组件。EPSON石英晶体X1A000061003200技术详情及在电子设备中的6G晶振应用 - 阅读(663)
- [行业新闻]汽车贴片晶体SAW21209F5A-32.768适用于汽车导航应用2023年05月25日 17:54
- 2">Suntsu Electronics提供AEC-Q200和AEC-Q100认证的2">石英晶体2">和振荡器,以帮助我们的客户在每个领域创造未来,包括汽车行业。我们的生产设施通过了IATF 16949认证,使我们能够满足汽车电子元件所需的严格标准和扩展温度范围要求。2">我们生产的汽车级晶体符合AEC-Q200标准的要求。这意味着它们可以在-40℃至1502">℃2">的扩展温度范围内提供稳定的性能,提供标准的2">32.768K晶振2">和8.000M~54.000MHz频率范围。此外,这些晶体在3.2×2.5mm、2.5×2.0mm和2.0×1.6mm的SMD封装中也能提供这种出色的性能。2">汽车贴片晶体SAW21209F5A-32.768适用于汽车导航应用
- 阅读(675)
- [行业新闻]相位噪声和抖动计算器应用晶振ASD1-12.000MHZ-EC-T2023年05月23日 08:42
- Abracon的相位噪声和抖动计算器使工程师能够快速评估两种Abracon晶体振荡器解决方案的均方根抖动性能,并根据用户提供的相位噪声值模拟抖动性能。ASD系列晶振是一款小体积晶振尺寸2.5x2.0x1.0mm四脚贴片晶振,HCMOS输出,SMD晶振,石英晶体振荡器,有源晶振,石英晶振,具有超小型,轻薄型,低高度1.0mm最大,低电流消耗,三态功能,适用于符合RoHS标准的回流,紧密稳定性选项,密封包装确保高可靠性,应用于:CCD时钟为VTR相机设备,连接到PC或PC版卡设备,薄型设备。相位噪声和抖动计算器应用晶振ASD1-12.000MHZ-EC-T
- 阅读(690)
- [行业新闻]石英晶体ABM3B-19.200MHZ-10-1-U-T移动电话专用晶振2023年05月19日 08:40
- 美国Abracon艾博康晶振ABM3B系列,是一款小体积晶振尺寸5.0x3.2mm四脚贴片晶振,石英晶体谐振器,SMD晶振,石英晶体,无铅环保晶振,频率范围:8MHz至125MHz,工作温度范围:-10°C至+60°C。特征:基本的模式,适用于回流,紧密的稳定性,陶瓷封装和金属盖保证了高精度和可靠性,接缝密封。超小型,轻薄型无源晶振,应用于移动电话,寻呼机,通信和测试设备,高密度的应用程序,PCMCIA和无线应用程序。石英晶体ABM3B-19.200MHZ-10-1-U-T移动电话专用晶振
- 阅读(700)
- [行业新闻]ECS-2012MV-327KE针对各种无补偿晶体振荡器提供更高的稳定性2023年02月13日 08:39
ECS最新推出ECS-2012MV-327KE,是一款具有MultiVolt功能的2.0x1.2x0.85mm陶瓷封装,32.768K晶振 HCMOS振荡器。这种小型电子元器件提供低电流消耗和相对于未补偿晶体振荡器的改进的稳定性。
- 阅读(671)
- [行业新闻]Abracon晶振ABLS-12.000MHZ-B2-T提供低ESR规格和低CL选项,以解决节能MCU问题2023年02月10日 10:14
- Abracon晶振以服务、质量和技术专长为公司的核心,为AEL水晶、Ecliptek、福克斯、ILSI和ProAnt品牌提供支持,同时在通信、运输、工业、医疗、消费、航空航天和国防等市场提供创新的互联物联网解决方案。超越未来解决方案的性能、尺寸、功率和可靠性要求的晶体、贴片晶振,晶体振荡器和谐振器产品。 面向4G LTE/5G蜂窝、GNSS、WiFi、蓝牙、LPWA、UWB、ISM、RFID和SATCOM应用的高性能解决方案。 具有适用于高功率应用的AEC-Q200功率电感,以及符合IEEE 802.3和UL认证的以太网解决方案。Abracon晶振ABLS-12.000MHZ-B2-T提供低ESR规格和低CL选项,以解决节能MCU问题
- 阅读(1017)
- [行业新闻]32.768kHz低功耗晶体振荡器ECS-327ATQMV-AS-TR适用于通用微处理器2022年10月22日 08:41
- ECS-327ATQMV MultiVolt? 晶体振荡器让设计人员可以将同一器件用于多种应用,从而降低资格要求和库存。
ECS-327ATQMV是一款32.768kHz低功耗、符合AEC-Q200标准的 MultiVolt? SMD晶体振荡器。紧凑型陶瓷封装3.2x2.5x0.9mm(LWH),采用行业标准占位面积。MultiVolt 功能允许客户将同一设备用于多种设计,降低资格要求并减少库存。
ECS晶振扩展了符合AEC-Q200标准的ECS-327ATQMV MultiVolt TM振荡器系列,增加了两个部件号,以涵盖更多应用。两个新的部件号是 ECS-327ATQMV-BP-TR,在 -40℃至+105℃下提供±50ppm的稳定性, ECS-327ATQMV-CN-TR 在 -40℃~ 85℃下提供±25ppm的稳定性。
- 阅读(722)
- [行业新闻]爱普生X1G005471001100压控晶振具有LV-PECL差分输出2022年09月05日 08:40
- 阅读(666)
- [新闻中心]VG-4231CE编码Q3614CE00008200压控晶振多用于锁相技术和频率负反馈调制2022年08月26日 08:55
日本进口爱普生晶振VG-4231CE,是一款VCXO压控晶体振荡器,频率范围:3MHz至50MHz*,*50MHz不包括在输出频率范围内,电源电压:3.3V(PSCM/CSCM),2.8V(PSBM/CSBM),1.8V (PQEM/CQEM),频率控制范围:140×10-6 (*SCM/*SBM),120×10-6 (*QEM),低功耗:1.0mA(典型值)。(27M,3.3V),小体积晶振尺寸:3.2x2.5mm,有源晶振,四脚贴片晶振,输出波形CMOS,无铅/符合欧盟RoHS指令,标准参考重量26毫克,具有超小型,轻薄型,低功耗,低抖动,低电源电压,低损耗,低耗能等特点,多用于锁相技术、频率负反馈系统和频率调制,已成为通信机、移动电话、寻呼机、全球定位系统(GPS)等许多电子应用系统必不可少的关键部件。
- 阅读(691)
- [行业新闻]1XXB24000MEA|DSB221SDN晶振|24M温补晶振2022年08月22日 10:39
KDS晶振 原厂型号 DSB221SDN KDS晶振 原厂代码 1XXB24000MEA Device Name 产品名称系列 TCXO(温补晶振) Nominal Frequency 标称频率 24 MHZ Supply Voltage 电源电压
1.8~3.3V Load Impedance 负载阻抗 (resistance part)(parallel capacitance)
10 kΩ
10 pF
Control Voltage Range 控制电压范围
1.15 V Operating Temperature Range 工作温度范围
-40~+85℃ Storage temperature 储存温度
-40~+852px;word-spacing:-1.5px"="" style="font-size:14px">℃ Current Consumption 电流消耗
1.5 mA Output Level 输出电平
0.8 Vp-p Symmetry 对称性
40/60% Harmonics 谐波
-8 dBc
SIZE 尺寸 2.5*2.0*0.9mm 1XXB24000MEA晶振产品尺寸图
关于1XXB24000MEA|DSB221SDN晶振|24M温补晶振 产品安装的注意事项
对电特性没有任何影响。面罩厚度建议为0.12毫米。- 阅读(85)
- [晶振编码查询]1XXB38400MCB|KDS晶振|DSB221SDN晶振|温补晶振|削峰正弦波2022年08月22日 09:36
KDS晶振 原厂型号 DSB221SDN KDS晶振 原厂代码 1XXB38400MCB Device Name 产品名称系列 TCXO(温补晶振) Nominal Frequency 标称频率 38.4 MHZ Supply Voltage 电源电压
1.8~3.3VV Load Impedance 负载阻抗 (resistance part)(parallel capacitance)
10 kΩ
10 pF
Control Voltage Range 控制电压范围
1.15 V Operating Temperature Range 工作温度范围
-40~+85℃ Storage temperature 储存温度
-40~+852px;word-spacing:-1.5px"="" style="font-size:14px">℃ Current Consumption 电流消耗
1.5 mA Output Level 输出电平
0.8 Vp-p Symmetry 对称性
40/60% Harmonics 谐波
-8 dBc
SIZE 尺寸 2.5*2.0*0.9mm 1XXB38400MCB晶振产品尺寸图
关于1XXB38400MCB|KDS晶振|DSB221SDN晶振|温补晶振 产品安装的注意事项
对电特性没有任何影响。面罩厚度建议为0.12毫米。- 阅读(74)
- [行业新闻]FOX晶振FK135系列编码FK135EIHM0.032768-T3是一款小体积无源晶振2022年08月22日 08:59
FOX晶振生产的FK135系列,编码FK135EIHM0.032768-T3,两脚贴片晶振,频率32.768kHz,小体积无源晶振尺寸3.2x1.5mm表面贴装,石英晶体谐振器,ESR(等效串联电阻):70kΩ,负载电容:12.5pF,频率容差±20ppm,工作温度:-40℃至+85℃,符合 RoHS/RoHS II标准,无铅 (Pb)
- 阅读(654)
- [行业新闻]CTS发布32.768kHz TCXO用于实时时钟应用,TC32M5I32K76802022年08月17日 09:40
伊利诺伊州莱尔–CTS公司(纽约证券交易所代码:CTS)宣布推出一款新的TCXO晶振,其工作频率为32.768kHz,适用于需要精密实时时钟参考的应用。TT32型四脚贴片晶振提供非常严格的频率稳定性,在-40℃至+85℃范围内为±5.0ppm,可在温度变化时保持准确的时间;与使用具有经典抛物线温度曲线、+25℃转换点和-0.035ppm/℃ 2温度系数的音叉谐振器的简单晶体器件相比。
CTS发布32.768kHz TCXO用于实时时钟应用,TC32M5I32K7680,低功耗晶振
- 阅读(657)
- [行业新闻]ABS05音叉晶体1610mm器件针对节能MCU进行了优化,ABS05-32.768KHZ-9-T2022年08月16日 08:45
- ABS05系列是在需要小尺寸的 RTC电路中进行时间管理的完美解决方案。我们高要求的音叉晶体系列功耗低,可在广泛的应用中保持电池寿命。与之前的ABS07相比,ABS05可节省33%的空间。ABS05器件在4.0pF的有效振荡器环路负载中具有±20ppm和±25ppm的设置容差.
薄型 - 高度限制设计的理想选择
物联网 (IoT)
蓝牙/低功耗蓝牙 (BLE)
低功耗 MCU、SoC、收发器
ABS05音叉晶体1610mm器件针对节能MCU进行了优化,ABS05-32.768KHZ-9-T,石英晶体 - 阅读(669)
- [行业新闻]VT-701A系列VT-701A-HFE-507B-10M0000000可满足您的低功耗或低抖动应用的要求2022年08月08日 08:35
我们的多输出和高度灵活的基于石英和MEMS的PureSilicon? 振荡器采用各种行业标准封装,可满足您的低功耗或低抖动应用的要求。使用我们的Clockworks ? 配置器和采样工具可以轻松地将您的振荡器定制为频率、温度、ppm和封装尺寸的任意组合,以满足您的应用要求。
Microchip的VT-701A系列温度补偿晶体振荡器 (TCXO) 是一款石英稳定、削波正弦波或CMOS输出、模拟温度补偿晶振,采用小体积尺寸7.0x5.0mm 密封陶瓷封装,采用2.5V或3.3V电源供电。
电源电压 2.5V,3.3V
最小输出频率 5MHz
最大输出频率 52MHz
输出逻辑 CMOS,削波正弦波VT-701A系列VT-701A-HFE-507B-10M0000000可满足您的低功耗或低抖动应用的要求,温补晶体振荡器
- 阅读(664)
- [行业新闻]大真空旗下两款基站用Oscillator性能详细剖析介绍2021年01月15日 13:46
DC7050AS和DSA/DSB535SGA是大真空旗下的可用于通信基站的石英晶振产品,其中DC7050AS是一款恒温晶振, DSA/DSB535SGA中DSA系列是压控温补晶振,DSB系列是温补晶振系列;对于通信基站来说,工作环境的复杂性决定了它所使用的晶体频控元件必须是能够承受复杂环境所带来的的影响.
- 阅读(135)
- [行业新闻]Analyze the aging of quartz crystal2019年10月31日 11:50
The 'ageing' of a quartz crystal results in a small change of frequency over time and this effect may have to be taken into account by the customer when designing their circuit depending upon the overall specification that needs to be achieved. There are two main causes of ageing in quartz crystals, one due to mass-transfer and the other due to stress.
Any unwanted contamination inside the device package can transfer material to or from the SMD CRYSTALcausing a change in the mass of the quartz blank which will alter the frequency of the device. For example, the conductive epoxy used to mount the quartz blank can produce 'out-gassing' which can create oxidising material within the otherwise inert atmosphere inside the sealed crystal package and so this production process must be well controlled. Ideally the manufacturing method is as clean as possible to negate any effects and give good ageing results.
This can occur within various components of the crystal from the processing of the quartz blank, the curing of the epoxy mounting adhesive, the crystal mounting structure and the type of metal electrode material used in the device.Heating and cooling also causes stress due to different expansion coefficients. Stress in the system usually changes over time as the system relaxes and this can cause a change in frequency.
Ageing in practice
When looking at example ageing test results of crystals,it can be seen that the change in frequency is generally greatest in the 1st year and decays away with time. It must be noted however that for example if a device is specified at ±5ppm max per year; it does not follow that the ageing after 5 yrs will be ±5ppm x 5yrs, i.e. ±25ppm. In practice,the example ±5ppm ageing device may be only ±1ppm to ±2ppm in the 1st year of operation and then reduces over subsequent years. It is common to use a general 'guide-rule' for crystal ageing of ±10ppm max over 10 years although in reality it is usually much less than this. It is impossible to predict the exact ageing of a device as even parts made at the same time and from the same batch of quartz will exhibit slightly different ageing characteristics.The production process must be consistent from part to part, from the manufacture of the quartz blank, the electrode size and its placement, to the epoxy used to mount the quartz and its curing thermal profile, all have a slight affect on frequency. Devices can age negatively or positively depending upon the internal causes although parts from one batch tend to follow similar results. Generally the ageing effect is negative in over 90% of parts manufactured.
Accelerated ageing
It is common industry practice to use an accelerated ageing process to predict long term frequency movement by soaking devices at elevated temperatures and measuring frequency movement at relevant intervals. It is normal to test crystals using a passive test (i.e. non-powered). The general rule used is that soaking a crystal at +85℃ for 30 days is equivalent to 1 year of ageing at normal room temperature. If this test is extended for enough time then the recorded data can be plotted graphically to enable via extrapolation, the prediction of future long term ageing.
Frequency adjustment
Note that the ageing of quartz effectively changes the frequency tolerance of the crystal and does not directly influence the stability of the quartz over temperature to any great degree as this parameter is dictated by the 'cut-angle' of the quartz used. If using quartz oscillators that have a voltage-control function such as VCXOs, TCXOs or OCXOs, the output frequency can be adjusted back to its nominally specified value.
The engineer designing a circuit using either a crystal or oscillator will generally know what overall stability figure their equipment must meet over a particular time period.
As the tolerance and/or stability of a device decreases then the more important ageing becomes. For example using a TCXO at ±1ppm stability over temperature will require ageing to be kept to relatively small values. However, if the total frequency movement allowance of a design is for example ±200ppm and a device with a rating of ±100ppm is used then a small amount of ageing can effectively be ignored.
- 阅读(148)
- [行业新闻]Crystal parameters description2019年10月29日 10:37
About Crystal parameters description,Crystal Project Name
AT Cut Crystals
For precise frequency control in radio and line communication systems, quartz crystal resonators have proved indispensable. The material properties of crystalline quartz are such that quartz resonators display stableness and Q factors that cannot be matched by other types of resonator over the frequency range from 1 MHz to 200 MHz.
Equivalent Circuit
Fig-1 shows the conventionally accepted equivalent circuit of a crystal resonator at a frequency near its main mode of vibration. The inductance LI reiperesents the vibrating mass, the series capacitance CL the compliance of the quartz element and the resistance Rl the internal frication of the element, mechanical losses in the mounting system and acoustical losses to the surrounding environment.
The shunt capacitance Co is made up of the static capacitance between the electrodes, togettier with stray capacitances of the mounting system.
There are two zero-phase frequencies associated with this simple circuit, one is at series resonance fs, another at antiresonance fa. When used in an oscillator, crystal units will operate at any frequency within the broken lines of Fig-2 as determined by the phase of the maintaining circuit.
By changing of this reactive condition, the crystal frequency may be trimmed in a limited extent. The degree to which this frequency may be varied (frequency pulling) is inversely proportional to the capacitance ratio r(C〇 /Ci).
Load Capacitance
Many practical oscillator circuits make use of a load capacitor CL in series or parallel with the crystal, either in order to provide a means for final frequency adjustment, or perhaps for modulation or temperature compensation purposes. For the crystal load capacitance. We looking into the circuit through the two crystal terminals, the load capacitance need to specified when the crystal is paralleled mode, crystal load capacitance is calculated as below:
Frequency Pulling
In many applications a variable capacitor (trimmer) is used as the load reactive element to adjust the frequency. The fractional frequency range available between specified values of this load reactive element is called the pulling range (PR.) and it can be calculated by using the following formula:
A useful parameter to the design engineer is the pulling sensitivity (S) at a specified value of load capacitance. It is defined as the incremental fractional frequency change for an incremental change in load capacitance. It is normally expressed in ppm/pF (10-6/pF) and can be calculated from the formula:
It is very important to define the mean load capacitance to enable the actual crystal frequency be set within the tolerances of the specified nominal frequency. It is also important to use, wherever possible, standard values of load capacitance; for example:20pF, 30pF.
Fig-3 shows the relationship between LO.; P.R. and S.
Frequency Pulling Calculation
An approximation to the pulling for any crystal can be calculated from this simple formula:
The equivalent circuit of the crystal has one other important parameter: This is Ri, the motional resistance. This parameter controls the Q of the crystal unit and will define the level of oscillation in any maintaining circuit. The load resonance for a given crystal unit depends upon the load capacitance with which that unit is intended to operate. The frequency of oscillation is the same in either series or parallel connection of the load capacitance.
If the external capacitance is designated the load resonance resistance may be calculated as follows:
The equivalent shunt or parallel resistance at load resonance frequency is approximately:
It should be remembered that Ri does not change thus the effective parameters of any user network can be readily calculated.
Frequency Temperature Characteristics
The AT-cut crystal has a frequency temperature characteristic which may be described by a cubic function of temperature. This characteristic can be precisely controlled by small variations in the exact angle at which the crystal blank is cut from the original quartz bar. Fig,4 illustrates some typical cases. This cubic behaviour is in contrast to most other crystal cuts, which have parabolic temperature characteristics.
As a consequence, the AT-cut is generally the best choice when specifying a unit to operate over a wide temperature range, and is available in a range of frequencies from 1 to 200 MHz.
- 阅读(218)
- 1时钟振荡器XO57CTECNA12M电信设备专用晶振
- 2汽车音响控制器专用晶振403C35D28M63636
- 3XCO时钟振荡器C04310-32.000-EXT-T-TR支持微控制器应用
- 4ABS07W-32.768KHZ-J-2-T音叉晶体可实现最佳的电路内性能
- 5402F24011CAR非常适合支持各种商业和工业应用
- 6无线模块专用微型ECS-240-8-36-TR晶体
- 7DSX321G晶体谐振器1N226000AA0G汽车电子控制板专用晶振
- 8lora模块低功耗温补晶振ECS-327TXO-33-TR
- 9ECS-250-12-33QZ-ADS-TR适合高冲击和高振动环境的理想选择
- 10ECS-200-20-20BM-TR紧凑型SMD晶体是物联网应用的理想选择