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当前位置:首页 » 荣誉资质 » 台湾TXC晶振IECQ QC080000认证

The organization has developed and implemented Hazardous Substance Process Management procedures and related processes which have been assessed and found to comply with the applicable requirements for IECQ HSPM organization approval which is in accordance with the Basic Rules IECQ 01 and Rules of Procedure IECQ 03-5 "IECQ Hazardous Substances Process Management" of the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ), and with respect to the IECQ Specification:
• IECQ QC 080000:2012 - Hazardous Substance Process Management System Requirements.  
This Certificate is applicable to all electronic components, assemblies, related materials and processes for the following scope of activities: 
Design and Manufacture of quartz crystal units, quartz crystal oscillators, quartz blank and SAW devices

IECQ QC080000_TWN_1

台湾TXC晶振公司该组织制定并实施了有害物质过程管理程序和相关程序,这些程序和相关程序已经过评估,符合IECQ HSPM组织批准的适用要求,符合基本规则IECQ 01和程序规则IECQ 03-5“ “IECQ有害物质过程管理”IEC电子元器件质量评估系统(IECQ),以及IECQ规范:

  •IECQ QC 080000:2012  - 有害物质过程管理系统要求。


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